A person holding their hand up to the ceiling of a room.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew can get into your San Antonio, Texas home through your doors, windows, and HVAC system. It can grow almost anywhere with enough moisture like walls, ceiling tiles, carpeting, and insulation. Some molds produce toxins that can cause asthma attacks, allergies, skin irritation, and flu-like symptoms. Here’s how to improve your indoor air quality by getting rid of mold and mildew for good.

Find Hidden Mold

If your home smells musty or you have certain respiratory discomfort, you could have hidden mold. Mold can grow on the back of drywall or wallpaper, the tops of ceiling tiles, underneath carpeting, and more. A professional can find and remove hidden mold without releasing spores and making the problem worse.

Clean Up Mold and Mildew

You can remove mold from hard surfaces with mold-killing products, soap and water, or a cup of bleach in a gallon of water. If you use bleach, never mix it with ammonia or other household cleaners since this could produce toxic fumes. When you’re cleaning, always wear waterproof gloves and protective eyewear. Open windows and doors for fresh air or wear a respirator. You may need to replace carpeting, ceiling tiles, furniture, and other porous items if they are too difficult to clean.

If the mold growth is extensive, it is best to consult a professional. Although difficult to determine, if your ductwork has mold growing in it, don’t turn on your AC system until you have your ducts cleaned because it could spread mold through the rest of your home. The best way to be able to monitor mold in ductwork is to invest in regular professional maintenance.

Keep It from Coming Back

You can keep mold from coming back by controlling the humidity levels in your home. Use a dehumidifier in summer, repair any water damage immediately, and ensure your HVAC system is cleaned during routine maintenance. Use exhaust fans when you cook, wash dishes, or take a shower. Even your dryer should have a vent to the outside.

Air Experts can help you to keep mold and other contaminants out of your home. We install, maintain, and repair your HVAC system and provide effective indoor air quality solutions. Call us today at (210)-653-3350 to schedule an appointment.